Grāmata tiek izdota 2018. gada jūnijā izdevniecībā "IGI Global" (ASV). Grāmatā ir apkopotas idejas un uzsāktas diskusijas par pedagoģiskajiem nosacījumiem mācīšanās veicināšanā digitālā vidē.
Grāmatā "“Learning Strategies and Constructionism in Modern Education Settings” ir nodaļas, kas veltītas vispārīgām idejām par to, kā iekļaut digitālos mediju mācību procesā, diskusijai izvirzītas idejas par sociālā konstruktīvisma, konstrukcionisma idejām izglītības vidē tās digitalizācijas kontekstā. Ir analizētas novērtēšanas iespējas, sadarbība un savstarpējā mijiedarbība. Ir nodaļas, kas veltītas idejām par tehnoloģiju izmantošanu, sākot jau ar pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem un turpinot šo ideju izmantošanu darba vidē.
Kopumā grāmatā ir 14 nodaļas, kuru autoru vidū ir arī LU profesores Linda Daniela un Zanda Rubene, LU doktorante Anita Līce un maģistrante Arta Rūdolfa
Grāmatas saturs:
SMART Pedagogy: (Re) defining pedagogy
Linda Daniela, University of Latvia, Latvia
Miltiadis D. Lytras, The American College of Greece, Greece
Integration approaches of digital media in the teaching/learning process
Zanda Rubene, University of Latvia, Latvia
A Social Constructionist Model for Human-Machine Ecosystems
Neus Lorenzo Galés, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Ray Gallon, The Transformation Society, Spain
Positive interdependence in blended learning environments. Is it worth collaborating?
Calixto Gutiérrez-Braojos, University of Granada, Spain
Jesús Montejo Gámez, University of Granada, Spain
Ana E. Marín Jiménez, University of Granada, Spain
Asunción Martinez Martinez, University of Granada, Spain
A continuous Assessment Strategy using Fuzzy Logic
Abraham Varghese, Higher College of Technology, Muscat, Oman
Jincy S. George, Adi Shankara Institue of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, India
Joseph George, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, India
Pedagogy of Inclusion - A Quest for Inclusive Teaching and Learning Through the Theory of Constructionism
Maluleka Khazamula Jan, University of South Africa, South Africa
The role of parents for developing digital literacy of 0-5 year olds
Linda Daniela, University of Latvia, Latvia
Arta Rudolfa, University of Latvia, Latvia
Digital Technologies in Kindergarten: Paths of Kindergarten Teachers and Potentialities for Children
Rita Brito, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Patrícia Dias, Research Center for Communication and Culture, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal
Comparing the Effectivenes of Using Tablet Computers for Teaching Addition and Subtraction
Nicholas Zaranis, University of Crete, Greece
Gamification in service learning. An innovative experience
Laura Varela-Candamio, University of A Coruna, Spain
Joaquín Enríquez-Díaz, University of A Coruna, Spain
Marcos Rouco-Couzo, University of A Coruna, Spain
Toward new method for adaptive learning
Souhaib Aammou, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University/ENS, Marocco
Youssef Jdidou, Abdelmalek Esaadi University/Faculty of Science, Marocco
Kaoutar El Bakkari, University of Cadiz, Spain
Learning Models and Strategies and the Constructionism in Modern Education Settings: With Applications in Modern Learning of Biology
Mariana I. Iancu, Bioterra University of Bucharest, Romania
The Assessment of Students’ Competencies and Constructionism:
With Examples in Biological and Natural Sciences
Mariana I. Iancu, Bioterra University of Bucharest, Romania
Learning by Working: Examining Examples of Good Practice in Organising Work placements in Vocational Education
Anita Līce, University of Latvia, Latvia
Linda Daniela, LU PPMF profesore