Vieslekcijas anotācija angļu valodā:
In order to characterise the structure and composition of matter, various analytical techniques could be used. In now days, the key issue is to apply several techniques as to obtain a set of complementary information. Having in mind the variety of the objects to be analysed, the multi-techniques analytical scenario should be tailor as to support the complete characterisation of various features of given object. Thus the aim is to present the performance of selected techniques, e.g. ICP-MS for elemental and isotopic analysis as well as UHPLC-MS/MS for characterisation of the structure of unknown substances.
The use of laser ablation ICP-MS for the characterisation of surface and sub-surface domains of the solid objects will be exemplified by its use to biological and archaeological objects. The examination of the isotopes, especially focussing on isotopic dilution method (considers as a definite method of measurement) and isotope ratio for the characterisation of the provenance as well as to support doping analysis, will be also discussed.
The attention will be also given for the characterisation of nano-materials, especially for its size distribution as well as composition (for mono-compound or core-shell nano-particles). Finally the issues of the quality of the results, in respect of its accuracy and traceability will be address, as to stress that the sound conclusions can be made only under the conditions, that the analytical data are reliable.
Liāna Orola, LU Ķīmijas fakultāte