Otrdiena, 17 februāris 2015 08:38

2015.02.17. Inspiring Science Education Competition 2014–2015

Share some of your most inspiring teaching moments and win great prizes - take part in the Inspiring Science Education Competition 2014–2015!

The competition is all about recognizing and rewarding inspirational science teaching practice. If you are a teacher who is planning to run an exciting experiment in your science class, this is a chance for you to highlight your work to schools and policy-makers all over Europe. As 2015 is the International Year of Light, entries focused on the topic of light are particularly welcome.

Register and submit your entry by 31 March 2015.

Finalists will be invited to the Science on Stage Festival in London in June 2015, where the award ceremony takes place. The winner and runners-up will also receive prizes from Vernier, provider of interfaces, sensors, software, and curriculum for science teaching and learning.

The competition is organized by the Inspiring Science Education (ISE) project, a consortium of 29 partners from 13 countries, that provides digital resources and opportunities to teachers to help them make their science classes more attractive and relevant.


Lasīts 1674 reizes Pēdējo reizi rediģēts Otrdiena, 17 februāris 2015 08:47
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Aktīvā pozīcija: Sākumlapa Konkursi 2015.02.17. Inspiring Science Education Competition 2014–2015