Sestdiena, 17 janvāris 2015 22:20

2015.09.23.-2015.09.25. Science Show International Cup 2015 (SSIC15)

Science Centre AHHAA in Tartu, Estonia in cooperation with EUSEA (the European Science Events Association) and NSCF (the Nordic and Baltic Science Centre Association) presents: From 23 September until 25 September 2015, science will meet theatrics, creativity and aesthetics in Estonia at the Science Show International Cup 2015 (SSIC15).

SSIC15 will be an international competition for science show performers from all over the world and will be organized as part of the biggest science event in the Baltics, the Researchers’ Night Festival 2015.

The winning team of the Cup will get free admission to the EUSEA Annual Conference of 2016, the privilege to use the title package of SSIC15 and there will be several other special prizes from the sponsors of the event.

SSIC welcomes teams of science show performers from every corner of the world. If you feel that this is something you would like to be a part of, please read more about the participation criteria below. 

So you’ve decided you want  to apply (hooray for you!)? Here’s how to do it: SSIC Call for Participation 2015.

What you should know about SSIC: 

  • SSIC15 will take place from 23.09 until 25.09.2015 in Estonia with arrival in and departure from Tartu
  • No participation fee will be charged from the performers of SSIC15
  • It is highly recommended that the participants stay in Estonia from 22.09 until 26.09.2015 to be able to participate in the Welcome Gathering and the Farewell Brunch
  • The maximum number of people per team is 2
  • The spoken show needs to be delivered in English as the working language of SSIC is English
  • SSIC 2015 will be comprised of 2 rounds: round 1 will be a spoken theatrical science showand round 2 will be a non-verbal show displaying the team’s coordination skills (read more under ’competition’s format’)
  • The approximate length of both rounds will be as follows: 30 minutes for the theatrical show and 15 minutes for the coordination show
  • Each participating team needs to take part in both rounds
  • Both shows need to be original productions, i.e. created by the performers themselves (or by the organization they are representing)
  • The shows will be assessed by the audiences and by a panel of judges, the latter comprising of, among others, members of the boards of EUSEA and NSCF
  • During the period of SSIC15, the participating teams will be guaranteed accommodation, meals* and travelling within Estonia by the organizers for no extra charge. Covering other costs related to participation, including necessary materials can be negotiated upon.
    *Please note- the organizers can guarantee breakfasts and lunches for the participants.

The format of SSIC15:

  • The shows will be taking part in 3 different Estonian cities (Tartu, Tallinn and Pärnu)
  • Each team will get to perform at sites selected by the organizers on the basis of a lottery draw but every team will be able to perform in 2 different cities
  • The sites of performances will be located indoors in all cities and all teams will be able to see the floor plans of the sites they will be performing at.

The rounds:

Round 1 or the theatrical show will need to be a science show in its classical sense. More specifically:

  • It will need to last about 30 minutes
  •  It will need to be a presentation of experiments accompanied by spoken explanations of the phenomena presented
  • It will need to be delivered in English
  • It should be visually enjoyable
  • The show could be multidisciplinary in nature
  • It will need to include theatrical components (acting, props, etc.)
  •  It is advised to include elements familiar to stand-up shows by comedians
  • The show’s authors need to be either the performers or the organization they are representing

Round 2 or the coordination show will need to be a science show focusing more on creative and visually attractive solutions. More specifically:

  • It will need to last about 15 minutes
  • The performers should not speak to each other during the show
  • The judges will focus on how well the team members are able to coordinate their activities
  • It is recommended to use sound and light effects
  • The show should be visually enjoyable
  • Since the show is short, it should maintain an energetic pace throughout
  • The show could be multidisciplinary in nature
  • The show’s authors need to be either the performers or the organization they are representing

How to apply?

Send an e-mail to Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt. , which contains:

  • A short letter of application (up to 150 words)
  • short description of each of the shows (up to 300 words for each)
  • video clip of the team and/or of the show (the length is not restricted but should, preferably, be shared as an online link and include a few key elements of the team’s performance)
  • Any links to other visual materials about the shows (photos, websites, blogs, etc.) are also very welcome
  • The deadline for applying is 7 February 2015 (there are no time-zone related restrictions, just make sure you send the application on the date required)
  • You will hear back from our Programme Directors by the end of February 2015


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Aktīvā pozīcija: Sākumlapa Konkursi 2015.09.23.-2015.09.25. Science Show International Cup 2015 (SSIC15)