2014.10.08.-2014.10.10. The 19th International conference «EcoBalt 2014»

Riga, Latvia 

Dear colleagues!

The Faculty of Chemistry in the University of Latvia is celebrating 50 years. The international conference in October 9 and 10 2014 will be organized to celebrate it together. One of conference themes is chemistry education. The link to the conference website is http://www.lu.lv/ecobalt2014/

We are very interested to organize the educators section as a part of the conference.

We plan two parts of the work – scientific and practical. Scientific session will include participants’ presentations and discussions. We are specially interested in the sharing of ideas in the wide spectrum of chemistry teachers professional development issues. Practical session will include the workshop at school (October 10). The general idea of the workshop will be exchange of the experience how to develop different skills for teachers (teaching, reflection, cooperation etc.) One of the sessions will be based on the model how to develop teachers’ reflection skills.. The model is based on real lesson observations and analysis developed in our national science teachers’ network with the support of PROFILES project.  

The sharing with experience about different teachers’ CPD models will be very welcome. Please let as know if you are interested to develop the special session in the workshop. We will be really glad to see you in Riga this autumn to celebrate together the anniversary of our faculty!


Dace Namsone,

The Head of the center for Science and Math Education

University of Latvia  


Lasīts 2157 reizes Pēdējo reizi rediģēts Ceturtdiena, 10 jūlijs 2014 14:05
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Aktīvā pozīcija: Sākumlapa Konferences un semināri 2014.10.08.-2014.10.10. The 19th International conference «EcoBalt 2014»