which will be 17 April 2014 (registration at 9 a.m.; Radvilėnų av. 19, Kaunas)
The paper text up to 1–5 full pages on a white paper of the A4 format (210x297) should be prepared on the IBM-compatible computer in Word 97 for Windows (doc format) and send by E-mail to Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt. till 12.03.2014.
The paper can be written in english or in russian.
The margin settings are: top – 1,8 cm
bottom – 11 cm
left – 2,0 cm
right – 7,2 cm.
Use “Times New Roman” typeface. Please use 1 spacing between lines. Paragraph – 1,27 cm.
Name of the paper |
Font 14 bold centered in capital letters |
Authour |
Font 12 bold centered |
Organization (school, university) |
Font 10 italic centered |
Main text |
Font 10 normal |
Table |
Font 9 |
Literature (referentes) |
Font 9 |
Summary |
Font 8 |
The drawings should be made by built-in objects and submitted as a computer graphics (only black & white pictures of JPG- or CDR-format are preferable) and placed in the course of material exposition.
U. Slabin
Vitsyebsk State University
E-mail: Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt.
In summer 2001 I started voluntary designing “Vierasy” educational website. This word means “heather” in Belarusin and is a nickname for summer camp and spectacular natural area 10 miles west from Vitsyebsk. VSU Dept of Biology freshmen and sophomores have normally had their field practices there in summer since 1983. The “Vierasy” seeks to improve environmental education and to promote environmental community in the region. The website is intended for both university and school students.
To perform this mission, the “Vierasy” contains generously hyperlinked historical, geographical, botanical, zoological, and chemical sections, each having specific textual, graphic, and navigational content. So, historical “elementary particle” is a Vierasy-related picture displaying students and faculty with accompanying narrative, geographical one is four landscape pictures taken in 4 horizon directions with a map fragment in the center, botanical one is a plant picture with its description, zoological one is an animal picture with its description, and chemical one is a compound formula with its description.
- Харламаў І. Педагогіка. Мн.: Універсітэцкае, 1996. – 511 с.
- Аранская О.С. Содержание гуманитаризации химического образования. Витебск: Витебский государственный университет, 1999. – 210 с.
- Slabins U. Datortrenažori ekoloğiskajā audzināšanā // Daugavpils pedagoğiskās universitātes 7. ikgadējas zinātniskas conferences rakstu krājums. – Daugavpils, 1999. – LPP.18-20.
- McNeill J.R. Something New under the Sun: an Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World. N.Y.: W.W.Norton & Co., 2001. – 421 p.
- Slabin U. Promoting Chemistry and Community via Environmental Educational Website // Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. VIII Respublikinės mokslines praktinės konferencijos straipsnių rinkinys. Mokslo darbai. Vilnius, 2002, P.86-95.
Витебский государственный университет
Изложены подходы к отбору содержания химической секции экологического сайта «Верасы» для высшей и средней школы. Это: 1) следование ранее установленным требованиям разработки и использования компьютерных программ как средства экологического воспитания, 2) удаление отрицательной и подчёркивание положительной химической информации на сайте, 3) использование положительного эмоционального фона от других представленных на сайте наук для знакомства с химией через гиперссылки.
Professor Dr. (HP) Algirdas Sulcius
Department of Physical ad Inorganic Chemistry
Kaunas University of Technology
Radvilenu pl. 19, Kaunas
LT-50270, Lithuania
Phone: +370 37 456301, +370 37 456301
Fax: +370 37 300152